The ability to tell the story of an organization or movement – the right story told the right way to reach the right audience – is at the heart of that organization’s success. The world’s best known, most iconic companies, philanthropies and even governmental organizations have clear stories that embody the very essence and meaning of the organization’s purpose.
The secret of a story’s power is the simultaneous impact on both mind and emotion.
For over a quarter of a century, master storyteller Jim Weiss has worked successfully with organizations, and individuals to help focus their stories and move them toward their goals. Whether presenting to organizational leaders, educators, or writing award-winning fundraising pieces for social service organizations, Jim Weiss’s expertise and versatility allow him to customize each project with the same skill that has earned his own story projects over one hundred national awards and brought him the world wide following as author, speaker, and storyteller.
Jim Weiss offers stimulating, thought-provoking adult performances.
Suggested topics might include (countless other topics available):
* The Universal Journey (Hero/Heroine Stories)
* An Evening of Mystery and Intrigue
* An Evening of Mythology
Please phone 800.477.6234 or Email us at greathall@greathall.com to request a complete Jim Weiss Digital Performance Packet. Be sure to include your name, organization, address, and phone number.
Jim Weiss in Live Performance & Jim Weiss on Zoom-from his studio to Your School, Home School,Synagogue, Church, Library Event, and more
As a storyteller, Jim’s goals include:
- encouraging the reading of fine literature
- providing a rich oral language experience
- bonding and building community through sharing stories
- fostering confidence in oral communication
- developing and improving auditory skills
Literature comes alive with Jim Weiss. From fairytales to Shakespeare, from the ancient world of Greek mythology to the mystique of Sherlock Holmes, Jim’s performances will create entertainment magic at your event.
As a storyteller, Jim strives to provide children with a link between classical literature and their own personal life experiences. His connection to his audience is magnetic and interactive, proof positive that storytelling today rejuvenates one of the first and most personal forms of entertainment.
Not only does Jim provide an excellent model of oral language, but he presents a stimulating array of timeless classics that have endured because they are so essential to human growth and development.
Jim’s repertoire is flexible and creative. His range includes mythology, mysteries, fairy/folk tales, multi-cultural stories, perspectives on historical time frames such as the Renaissance, and much more. Jim is available for half day, full day or Artist-in-Residencies. He travels extensively across the United States and Canada.
We are now booking for the 2024-2025 season and beyond
What People Have to Say About
Jim Weiss Live-Performances
“Just thought I would share with you what I found via email when I got home from today’s event.Thank you for organizing this workshop. Both of my kids seemed wiped out when I picked them up, so I decided to hold off on getting feedback about the day. A few minutes after we got in the car, Mary said, “I loved that workshop!” And as soon as we got home, Andrew told me that it was exactly what he had hoped for. He (and I!) had very high hopes, and they were surpassed. As I write, they are listening to a Sherlock Holmes recording that we already owned.”So thrilling to hear things like this as people were leaving this afternoon and to come home to an email like this, too! THANKS again, Jim!” -School Director
“Daniel was so engaged by the storyteller, Jim Weiss. We spent almost an hour as he recounted at least 6 different stories about Da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo and Lorenzo D’Medici. Hats off to the Cultural Arts Chair!” — 3rd Grade Parent
“I have never seen and heard such great response from teachers and students! The children were held in the palm of your hand. You made them laugh and learn at the same time! I dare say there will be a new herd of children looking up such great books as you described.”— School Librarian
“Jim, If all I heard this weekend was your gift today, my expectations were exceeded.” -Conference Attendee
“Jim was fantastic! He worked so well with each age level at our school that our headmaster cleared her busy schedule to be able to sit with Jim and the students for the entire day. She, and many others are now new fans for life!”— PTO Cultural Arts Chair
“The listener’s enthralled…Weiss is compelling as he masterfully unwinds uplifting stories where good prevails and the clever find just solutions. Mr. Weiss provides an avenue for all of us to remember the sustaining value of great literature. He is a master, the best I’ve ever seen or heard.
— School Principal
“Walking the school hall with Jim was like walking with a rock star. Three-year-olds clinging to Jim’s legs; sixth graders sticking out hands for high-fives; happy shouts of “Jim Weiss!” from kids who catch a glimpse of him; principal beaming.” — PTA Cultural Arts Chair
What People Have to Say About
Jim Weiss ZOOM-Podcast Performances
Dear Jim,You had me in tears, and the rest of us totally captivated in the vision of such legendary leadership as the is King. What a perfect closing to your story today, and to the development of your story telling and global news this week. Your professionalism has been stupendously illustrated this profound week. Today, we went for it, and knocked and yelled as Jim called us to do. Once again, this was a highlight to our entire day – even with two high school students. I love how you, Jim, created specific interaction in the story. Felt really good. –J.R. (Kansas)
Dear Mr. Weiss, Just a note to say how much our family appreciates your afternoon story time. For half an hour, we sit, mesmerized and entertained (amazingly still and quiet!), 8 kids from 19 down to 3 trickle in to listen with three adults gathered around the kindle balanced on top of a narrow stereo speaker. My shoulder tension dissolves. I’m transported to another time and place as a couple of teens come in the room or onto the patio (depending on where we’re listening) and exclaim, “Hey! Is that the story guy?” I smile and tell them to pull up a seat. They can’t resist- they put off their important teenage tasks to sit a spell and be taken in by the story, (this time by choice and not a captive car audience) . Even the three-year old sits relatively motionless on my lap. For half an hour, our heartstrings are tied, the family bond is reconnected over the simplicity of a story. Then we go our ways, our hearts a little lighter and our minds filled with pictures of faraway places. -A.H. (Florida)
Dear Jim, We are a homeschool family from South Lake Tahoe, California with three young children aged 5,7, and 10. Your story telling, coupled with history and a lulling voice is surreal. We had not known about you or your work until this week, so thank you! I plan to buy up all your recordings for the family, for you tell them so nicely. –D.R. (California)
Dear Jim, Your stories have been such a joy for us this week. I got teary at the end of your talk today and I appreciate you reminding us that many people before us have faced great challenges and have come out okay. Thanks for taking the time to bless us all with your amazing talent. The first day my kids looked at me and said, “We know his voice! It’s the Tall Tale guy and the guy who teaches us about history!” You have been a part of our lives for the past 7 years of homeschooling and it is such a comfort to come together each day this week to hear your soothing voice.
–J.W. (New Hampshire)
Hi Jim, We want to thank you for the live storytelling sessions you did during the Homebound Conference put on by Brave Writer. We’ve listened to your stories since our kids (who are now 13, 10, 8, and 4) were very little. Seeing your smiling face each day and hearing your wonderful stories – knowing that you were on the other side of your computer monitor at that same time – was a great pleasure. We got a kick out of seeing the faces you made as you told the tales, too – something we don’t usually get the opportunity to do! You have a true gift and we’re so grateful for the many blessings you’ve brought to our lives. Thank you for the encouraging, heartfelt, meaningful words you shared at the end of each story session, too. We’ll always remember what a bright spot you were to us during these uncertain, coronavirus-era times.-C. and P. W. (California)
Dear Jim, Your ability to weave magic was so clear on Thursday. I was so delighted to see the students’ big smiles and engaged expressions as you brought each story to life. This was such a gift to our community in a time that has been so unusual and challenging. Thank you! Our 17-year old daughter was with us at the event and she was as captivated by your stories as our lower school students. That’s a real testament to your skill and how beautifully your storytelling translated across Zoom. It was fabulous. I loved the extra playful ear trick as well.
-M. T. (Lower School Head)
Dear Jim, Your presentation was a perfect fit Thank you Jim! That was a wonderful workshop BRAVO Jim. That was everything I had hoped it would be. -C.R. Public Library Director
Jim, It was wonderful having you visit the camp out this evening. As a spectator, I was able to scroll through the children’s faces as you told your tales. Their eyes were huge with wonder, and their little bodies so content. It was so heartwarming to see, especially during this time when circumstances are such that they are feeling so isolated.Thanks for putting some light in their eyes. And thanks for all of the wonderful stories over the years! -L. R. (Kindergarten Teacher)

“Experience the power of oral language and the joy of learning through storytelling. Jim Weiss’ presentation was the most useful and inspiring ever” -Cultural Arts Program Chair
Master Storyteller Jim Weiss is delighted to facilitate storytelling and story writing to students, educators, librarians, business persons, parents, and aspiring story tellers in any combination. In customized sessions, Jim spins classical yarns and shares a wealth of techniques. Jim presents workshops at schools, libraries, homeschool and educational conferences, and fulfills the following objectives:
- Promotes storytelling as a model of rich oral language
- Bonds and builds community through the shared and creative experience of telling stories
- Builds confidence in oral and written communication
- Teaches specific storytelling techniques like:
- Organizing and shaping the story
- Creates vivid characters through description and plot
- Voice characterization
- Relating to the audience
- Mapping the plot
- A recipe for a story
- Developing individual telling style and much much more
“What a pleasure to meet Jim Weiss, our ‘other family member!’ We so appreciate the immense contribution you have given to us, in raising our children to be well-rounded, well-read, articulate and knowledgeable. It was the highlight of my conference day to personally chat with you.” —Conference Planner
Dear Jim, We had our end-of-the-year Team meeting last week, and one of the activities our teachers engaged in was reporting to the larger group things that took place over the course of the year that were helpful and had the most significant impact on students. We did a little whiteboarding and, while the photos are not great, I thought you’d love to know that your name made both lists! Thanks again for your visit to our school– you clearly made an impression on more than just me:) -Development Director, Classical Academy
“My sons commented that they found Mr. Weiss to be a man of great integrity, an excellent and inspiring teacher/mentor. I came away thinking, ‘I’ll refer to this day for years to come.’ ” —Parent
Jim is available for half day, full day or as an Artist-In-Residence. He travels extensively throughout the US, Canada and International Destinations.
Jim inspires students to be great writers, readers and speakers
Jim Weiss Recordings May Be Ordered From: