King Arthur and His Knights

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Well-Trained Mind Press
- 2015 Mary Pride First Place Literature Genre
- 2018 Mary Pride First Place Award in the Literature Category
- ALA Notable
Brings King Arthur and his Knights to life with action and grandeur, at a level which children can really grasp.
- The Sword in the Stone
- King Arthur, Guinevere
- Sir Percival Meets A Lady
- The Round Table
- Sir Lancelot’s Journey
- A Queen
- Sir Bedivere
- Merlin’s Magic
“At last a telling of the King Arthur epic that is worthy of its noble subject.” —National Storytelling Association
ISBN: 978-1-942968-78-8
Location: Medieval Britain
Values: Caring / Compassion, Confidence, Cooperation and Teamwork, Courage, Courtesy, Determination, Excellence, Friendship, Honesty, Honor, Idealism, Joyfulness, Loyalty and Faithfulness, Purposefulness, Reliability, Respect, Responsibility, Service, and Unity