Testimonials that Validate our Jim Weiss Motto: Intelligent Entertainment for the Thinking Family.™
Jim Weiss has been an acclaimed, professional storyteller and presenter since 1989. From the very beginning of his career, he has valued testimonials and comments from fans and continues to do so more than ever to this very day. Jim and Randy put a great deal of time, thought and reflection into every Jim Weiss recording that reaches the end-user, and comments like these validate the work more than we can say.
The quotes that you see below are a small sampling of the letters we have received. Please check this page regularly as it is updated frequently.
We hope that these testimonials will further assist our listeners to choose the perfect recording when the time is right.
Hi There Jim,
We had our end-of-the-year Team Meeting last week, and one of the activities our teachers engaged in was reporting to the larger group things that took place over the course of the year that were helpful and had the most significant impact on students. We did a little white-boarding and, while the photos are not great, I thought you’d love to know that your name made both lists!
Thanks again for your visit to our school– you clearly made an impression on more than just me:)
– School Development Director, 2018
Dear Mr. Weiss,
You have been making your story tapes since before I was born, which means I grew up listening to you. Every year my mother, brother, and I would visit your tent at the UCLA Festival of Books. Those in-person conversations were always warm and genuine, and your recordings hold a special place in my mind.
I have made sure, as technology has evolved, to continue to have some way to listen to the stories that you have adapted. I am now a college student, studying to become a physical therapist, and I hope to give my future patients the kind of warmth and inspiration you gave to me as I was growing up. Just thought you should know.
Yours, listening as long as there are tales to tell and sagas to share,
-K.R., 2018
Just thought I would share with you what I found via email when I got home from today’s event.
“Thank you for organizing this workshop. Both of my kids seemed wiped out when I picked them up, so I decided to hold off on getting feedback about the day. A few minutes after we got in the car, M said, “I loved that workshop!” And as soon as we got home, A told me that it was exactly what he had hoped for. He (and I!) had very high hopes, and they were surpassed. As I write, they are listening to a Sherlock Holmes recording that we already owned.”
So thrilling to hear things like this as people were leaving this afternoon and to come home to an email like this, too!
THANKS again, Jim!
– School Director, November, 2016
There are gifted actors who deliver dramatic audio performances for children. One of my favorites is Jim Weiss.
-Susan Stiffleman, Parenting with Presence
Jim Weiss has been a familiar voice in households and minivans for 25 years. It’s no wonder that his catalog of recordings is a key element of many homeschooling and “car-schooling” programs.
Did you know that one powerful ruler of Egypt was actually a woman? Since the pharaoh needed to be a man, the young woman Hatshepsut transformed herself, assuming all the ceremonial trappings of male authority, from headgear to a false beard and ruled as a male. Her unusual reign was much longer and more consequential than that of the more famous King Tut, whose significance was more in the drama of discovery than the deeds of his reign. Was the curse of Tut real?
Pharaohs and Queens of Ancient Egypt combines history and storytelling to present Ancient Egypt in all its rich wonder. From the geographic significance of the Nile River to the lives of the Pharaohs to the archeological discovery of Tut’s tomb, Weiss expertly presents the world of ancient Egypt in a way that is accessible and interesting to listeners from elementary to junior high age. He becomes a one-man cast, acting out the drama of Egyptian history through his varied and convincing voices, creating the drama and excitement that brings the material to life. -Spring, 2016 Parents’ Choice Gold Award Review
An outstanding, kid – and adult-friendly introduction to that enduring, festive holiday staple, Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker ballet, presented by the London Philharmonic, conductor Stephen Simon, and veteran storyteller Jim Weiss (Greathall Productions). The orchestra is top-of-the-line, Simon’s adaptation of the music feels seamless, and Weiss’ narrative adaptation of the E.T.A. Hoffmann tale about Clara and the Nutcracker Prince, spaced with care within each section, includes vivid descriptions of how the ballet appears on stage. The illustrated CD booklet features an index of scenes, brief, well-written pieces about composer Tchaikovsky; the history of ballet, and of the harp; and a word scramble and crossword puzzle. A wealth of related educational material is available at the Maestro Classics website.
-Spring, 2016 Parents’ Choice Gold Award Review
“We did it! We *just* finished Carry On Mr. Bowditch!!! Oh how I wish you could have been here to hear the cheers that went up from the kids. It was a grand whoop! They absolutely loved it.I think if I had read the book first, I would have gotten totally lost and bored amongst all the sailing terms. But, because it was being read to me in ‘Jim Weiss style’ and I didn’t have to struggle to pronounce or inflect all that jargon, I was able to concentrate on the storyline and focus on the plot much more.
Yes, my daughter will now have to go back and read the actual book during the school year, but she will be able to get through it much easier knowing the story and having the big picture. Thank you so much for recording that awesome book. We all LOVED it – and loved hearing YOU tell it! It was like having a beloved favorite Uncle telling us the story. WOW! I just had to say thank you and let you know that was such a huge blessing to our homeschooling for next year. -Parent
“I wanted to write and share just how much your stories have meant to our family. I discovered your stories when my eldest, who is now 18, was 5 or 6 through a catalog. Since that time, three other children have enjoyed your stories and have cherished them, but it is my youngest who has perhaps grown the most from your body of work.This son is a slow reader. I suspect dyslexia, but his struggles with reading have led to a deep hunger for stories on CD.
He has listened to most of your collection at this point, and recently listened to your version of The Wind in the Willows. He listens to your stories every day, and is a bit attached – he doesn’t like listening to other storytellers because he finds you and your voice so calming, comforting and entertaining to him.You have introduced him to history, mythology, humor, and to the full width and breadth of humanity.
My son has been shaped by this stories and by your telling of them, and they have helped nurture who he is and how he sees the world.So thank you for all that you do and for the great care and creativity you put into your productions. It will be a sad day for my son when he no longer has any stories of yours to listen to, as he’s listened to them all!
-Parent, Author, Essayist, Teacher
Dear Jim,
Your voice was the soundtrack of my kids childhood – everywhere we went we had different stories playing on the CD player. My son is now a senior at Harvard with a major in Organismal Biology and a minor in Myth and Folklore. We were just talking today about different authors that have shaped him and he said that your stories probably impacted him the most… he is currently in a class on the Arthurian legends… where they were surprised how many Celtic myths he knew… so I asked, “what about the science interests” and he said said, “that too, Galileo and Archimedes…”. My daughter is a Freshwoman in HS and is taking A.P. Geography where she walks away proudly saying things like, “I already knew a lot of the stuff we were talking about”… which she attributes to the series on the History of the World that we actually listened to (all 4 volumes) from start to finish several times!
I want you to know that I noticed how well written and thoughtful all your short stories on thematic albums were and how easy your voice was to listen to on the longer adventures with Susan Bauer…
Thank you! -Parent
“As a Parent, I appreciate that, although you do not indoctrinate, and your stories are fitting for nearly any family’s belief system, there is a classical wholesomeness to your storytelling that I find very suitable to my family’s moral sensitivity. We wish to own every recording you make, over time.”
“Both of my children, now 18 and 23, always say to each other, ‘Everything we know is from Jim Weiss CDs!’ I can attest to how many interests and how much research on various topics they have done secondary to listening for years to your recordings.” -Parent
“Each time our family drives anywhere, we have an audio book to listen to. Jim Weiss has incredible recordings that are awesome for families.
Our family reviewed a few selections from Greathall Productions. Each one was absolutely wonderful and kept the children, and us, entertained.
Jim Weiss recordings are wonderful because they offer a wide variety of stories for all ages. One of the Jim Weiss selections we listened to was the timeless favorite Romeo and Juliet. This tale was transformed into a tale that all children could understand. The one hour story was also short enough to keep everyone’s attention. We also listened to Greek Myths, Heroes in Mythology, and Sweet Dreams. Each of these selections was expertly put together and kept the children on the edge of their seats. I was impressed at how much my kiddos loved them!”
-nonperfectparening.com (Trelyn)
“My family has enjoyed, admired, and appreciated your work for as long as we’ve been home schooling (8 years). You should know what an incredibly valuable educational resource you are to the community.” -Parent
“Listening to the Jim Weiss collection is like taking a mini survey course in the literary form of mystery…it has stretched my son’s thinking ability and opened his eyes to a new literary style-it doesn’t get much better than that! -The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
“My daughter’s teachers are continually surprised at the diverse range of subjects she has been exposed to through Jim Weiss recordings. She has also developed some of Jim’ dramatic flair and imitates the tempos and tenor of his voice. I Said I Could and I did is an especially wonderful ‘meet and greet’ with 20th century Americans who truly shaped their fields.”
“The recurring themes of treating friends and acquaintances the way you want to be treated and cooperating to solve problems are important messages for audiences of all ages…” -Chicago Parent Newspaper
“Jim’s storytelling is like watching a good movie…he can build tension or leave you feeling warm fuzzies…” -Education Clearing House
“Your delightful Animal Tales CD has helped develop a happy, imaginative, dramatic, confident child.” -Parent
“Captivating storyteller Jim Weiss beautifully delvers Kipling’s classic tales…first published in 1902, these yarns are as engaging as ever.”
–Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine
“Few storytellers can match Jim Weiss’ broad range of voices and intelligent choice of stories.” -Sacramento Bee
“A top-notch choice…inventive, smooth, energetic delivery…amusingly presented.” -School Library Journal
“At last a telling of the King Arthur epic that is worthy of its noble subject.” -National Storytelling Association
“After listening to Dick Spindler’s Family Christmas on A Christmas Carol and Other Favorites, my 5 year old started talking with a Swedish accent and then her big sister started speaking with an Italian accent! Thank you for your fabulous work.” -Parent
“Weiss brings energy and creativity to these selections and easily involves the listener.” –Booklist, American Library Association
“These CDs can hole the interest of the interactive-sound-blaster-cyberspace generation.” -Homefires
“Weiss uses his expressive voice like a well-tuned musical instrument…most will listen to his recordings again and again merely for the pleasure of hearing and award-winnng storyteller recreating these classic tales.”
-School Library Journal
“Weiss’ spunky characterizations, interspersed with a smooth narration, make American Tall Tales great and inspired family listening.”
-Publisher’s Weekly
“What a great treat for a 4 year old to really know and understand these stories at such a young age.” -Parent
“Giants! is exuberantly funny, wonderfully musical, with Weiss’ trademark compassion beneath it all.” -Parent
“Mark Twain would appreciate the dexterity with which Weiss tell The Prince and the Pauper…this is well nigh perfect. A delightful listen that will captivate children and their adult friends.” -AudioFile
“The duck (in Good Luck Duck) introduces Timothy to al loins of experiences he had never considered before…this is another wonderful audiobook for children from Jim Weiss that concerned parents will want to share.” -Rainbo Electronic Reviews
“Jewish Holiday Stories is an ideal way to introduce non-Jewish listeners to the history behind the festivities.” -Family Fun Magazine
“In Celtic Treasures, listeners are carried away to a time that may have existed on int he imagination of the bards, but which lives on today in an oral tradition that will captivate both adults and children.”
-School Library Journal
“In narrating and voicing all the characters in Galileo and the Stargazers, master storyteller Jim Weiss turns historic icons of the sciences into real people, weaving the thrill o discovery into the tapestry of enchantment with stories about great thinkers who changed the world.”
-Parents’ Choice
“Suddenly I understand. My 4 year old is narrating Shakespeare…Thank you Jim Weiss.” -Parent
“Weiss’ voice is liquid gold.” -CNN
“Here’s our current order, as we’re taking a seven hour drive and just have to bring our best friend (Jim Weiss) with us.” -Parent
In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Weiss evokes the feeling of a place and time where youngsters run free and have adventures…an excellent introduction for young people to the works of Mark Twain.”
-School Library Journal
Weiss’ George Washington is a man of love, laughter, devotion and awesome strengths, equally dedicated to overcoming tyrants and his own imperfections. Be ready to replace the marble busts with a portrait of a living, breathing, truly great man.”-Historian
“You’ve made one smart young’un out of my kid and I’m forever grateful.”
“Your awesome G.A. Henty CDs have provide the perfect introduction to the Henty Canon. My Children might nervier have read these amazing and important stories if not for your ‘family friendly’ recordings.” -Parent
“Howard Pyle and Jim Weiss couldn’t have a more winning combination! Men of Iron is one great recording!” – History/Literature Professor
Today our son walked away with proud honors at his Middle School. As my husband pointed out, he was one of a few in his class who made the Principal’s Honor Roll. Grateful for all the support in our young man’s life, we send this to you to share in the celebration of our son’s careful work. Most of his work is completed at school, amidst his responsibilities with sports, scouts, band, and national junior honor society commitments. We are confident that the influences of our Christian classical homeschooling days, learning tools like the fabulous Greathall Audiobooks by our dear friends the Weiss Family, and the constancy of prayers over our whippersnapper have collectively empowered our son to put his heart into learning well. -Parent

Jim always has time for a chat and an autograph